Mark & Bevan *Married*

        The morning of the wedding, I woke up to the most beautiful sunrise I have seen in such a long time. I took my camera out & couldn’t stop looking at the sun. It was breath taking.

Next thing I noticed while sitting on the porch was a bee on a beautiful purple flower.
Normally I’m afraid of bees, but this time, I couldn’t look at it without looking at how God could create something so beautiful.  A few hours later, my husband & I took a nice walk around the woods. As we walked close to the river, something jumped out in front of me & scared the life out of me. But as soon as Isaac wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear to calm down & breathe, I stopped long enough to see that it was a baby deer, which I have never seen before. The day was going so well, until about an hour before I was supposed to arrive to start taking wedding pictures. It was pouring down HARD!
After about 5 or 10 minutes, it eased up & Isaac told me it might not have rained where the wedding was going to be. So I show up and I was told that it did rain.  As I was looking around & talking to Brad & Stacie, I offered to help, but it started sprinkling.  A few seconds after making it in the house, Stacie comes in SOAKED!!!!

        We did the first look & a few pictures and then it started raining. Needless to say, we ran in & out of the house quite a few times. By the time it was time for the ceremony, there was not a drop of rain over us… for a little bit anyway.



During the ceremony, it started sprinkling a little bit and after a few minutes, someone behind me said out loud, “I didn’t know if you noticed there is a rainbow.” Of course, you should know that this happed right after a story was told about Bevan’s grandfather & how Bevan met Mark.  It was beautiful.

  If you keep reading down, you will read the story of Bevan & Mark that was read during their ceremony.  The pictures will tell the rest of the story.


Let me just say that Brad & Stacie did an AMAZING JOB with all the decorations & getting everything ready for the wedding.

(Written by Bevan Hubbard (Hudson)) "They say timing is everything….On April 10, 2012, one of the most important men in my life went to be with god. Right after he passed I said OK grandpa, you have some pull now, find me a good man…..On June 1 2012 at my birthday party, my friend Whitney said that she invited Troy, I asked why she invited him because I didn’t know him…well he came, and so did Mark. I didn’t think much about it until he text me the next day….We have been inseparable ever since.
There were so many “coincidences” leading up to our meeting. In the end I know that my Grandpa had something to do with it."

        Mark & Bevan, congratulations on your marriage! You had a beautiful wedding rain & all. Who says it’s bad to have rain on your wedding day? In fact, I think it made it very romantic.  Hope you enjoy the pictures!!


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